

This lesson addresses the wife's role in marriage, focusing on the biblical concept of submission, equality, and mutual respect. It begins by referencing previous lessons, particularly how cultural norms conflict with God’s design for marriage and the significance of being “one flesh.” A strong relationship with God is emphasized as the foundation for healthy marriages, where mutual love and respect stem from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


The primary focus of this lesson is on submission within marriage, as outlined in Ephesians 5:21-33. It highlights that marriage involves both partners submitting to each other out of reverence for Christ. A wife’s role, as per the scriptures, is to submit and respect her husband, as the husband is the head of the wife in the same way Christ is the head of the church.


In conclusion, a wife’s role in marriage is to submit out of love and respect, always considering her husband’s leadership, but never at the expense of her own voice or God’s command for righteousness. Submission is a beautiful, voluntary act of love, balanced by mutual respect and equality in Christ.

One flesh is designed by God to be the closest relationship known to a man or woman. But what does this concept actually mean? Pastor Mitch Horton dives deep into the creation story to discover biblical truths for marriage and how the "one flesh" connection points to Jesus' work on the cross and His relationship to the Church.

Marriage as it has been defined for thousands of years is under attack. When you dishonor marriage, you ruin a culture. In this message, Pastor Mitch takes a look at the current cultural climate and contrasts it to what God's original design for marriage and family says.

God’s love for us is based on His justice.

His justice and holiness means that He must deal with sin, which is disobedience to His known will. He must deal with our sin by the payment of a just penalty. Jesus took our sin penalty so that we could be freed from sin!

God did not pauperize us when He forgave us. The justice behind His love gives us dignity.

And so when something occurs and it affects others, not just you, then the loving thing to do is to stand with what is right and what is true, and call it out! Be willing to stand for what is right when someone does something that affects a lot of people!

How’s your love life?

How are you doing with loving people who mistreat you and say things that should not be said to you or about you to others?

We are called to love people who don’t like us, who disagree with us, who say mean and nasty things about us. 

So, here is the big question today – How do you treat a person who is like an enemy towards you in their attitudes, their speech, and their behavior?

How’s your love life?

How are you doing with loving people who mistreat you and say things that should not be said to you or about you to others?

We are called to love people who don’t like us, who disagree with us, who say mean and nasty things about us. How are you doing with that?

Christmas is traditionally a holiday when we enjoy the company of family and friends. We eat, we talk, we laugh, we remember, and hopefully, we relax. Right now, there is a good bit of polarization among people worldwide. And there is a chance during the holidays that you will be in a room where there are lots of differences. What is the will of God for you in these situations?

Giving of thanks should be a regular part of your life. And, not just over your meals or on Thanksgiving Day. Pastor Mitch speaks on the history of Thanksgiving and provides biblical principles on why giving thanks should be a part of our lives in all circumstances.

We are right at the end of the church age where we have been for 2000 years, and we are entering an age of judgment just before the Second Coming of Christ and His 1000 year rule we call the Millennium or the Millennial reign of Christ. This is a volatile time, and God has given us grace to deal with it!

Is it okay for Christians to celebrate Halloween? In this message, Pastor Mitch gives his thoughts on this topic and provides historical and biblical reasons why we should be careful around involving ourselves and our families in its observances.

We are experiencing a crazy time in human history. Pastor Mitch explains why these events may be preparing us for the second coming of Jesus and how we can be sure we are prepared.

Guest Speaker Tony Cooke talks about the importance for believers to be involved in the family of God. We are called to live with, serve, and love one another.

If marriage loses its value, then that society is in danger of collapse. Marriage and family are God’s plan to pass values and morality from one generation to the next.