Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Next meeting: Sat, Jan 18th | 6p
V-group: Marriage Ministry
Open to all married couples. This Victory Group has been fantastic -- coming together with real dialogue and connection to strengthen our marriages.
Pizza will be served free of charge from 6p-6:30p. SIGN UP to come - for the food count! Then adults meet 6:30-8p.
Childcare (age 0 - 11) is provided with sign-up by Wed, Jan 15th.
1st meeting: Mon, Feb 3rd | 7p
Women's Ministry:
Women: We are starting monthly meetings to connect, share our hearts, to listen and be heard as well.
Bring a dessert to share and JOIN US!
(no sign-up, just COME!)
Thu-Sat, March 13-15, 2025
Men's Encounter 25!
Sign-up is open!
Men, our goal this year is to engage on a deeper level with God and others.
Costs are listed in the registration event.
Early bird discount is available for sign-ups by Feb 2nd. (You may sign up now & pay later.)
Location: Camp Dixie, Fayetteville NC
Guys age 18+, embrace this opportunity to draw close to God and your brothers!
Sun evening-Wed, Jan 12th-15th
Church-wide FAST
A time to seek God
As we begin this new year in a turbulent day, we are inviting you to join us on a 3-day fast to seek the Lord and recommit our hearts to Him afresh.
This fast will start Sunday evening, Jan 12th. We will break it on Wednesday evening, Jan 15th, at our worship night, with communion.
We encourage you to participate at whatever level you are able. As well as abstaining from food & spending more time seeking God, this may also include fasting media as well. Let the Lord guide you, simply obeying as He directs.
We will meet together for prayer & seeking God on Monday & Tuesday nights (Jan 13th & 14th) starting at 7p.
Fri, July 18th - Sat, July 26th
Youth Guatemala Mission Trip
Mission trip to Guatemala!
Our Youth (6th-12th graders) are going to Guatemala to minister for a week this summer. Dates, cost, and deadlines are listed in the registration. Click below.
Absolute deadline to sign up is March 30th.
Youth, don't miss this opportunity to impact others, as well as be impacted, for eternity! Sign up online below!
Our Vision
Victory Church exists to help people become all that God created them to be.
Service Times
Sundays @10a
Wednesdays @7p
Recurring Events
These events take place regularly
Tues & Thu @ 11a | Sun @ 9:15a
Prayer Times
We value health, which means that we keep ourselves healthy by prioritizing daily encounters with God through living a lifestyle of prayer.
Each week, we have three prayer meetings that you are invited to be a part of. These meetings are powerful, and if you attend you can expect the Holy Spirit to show up.
Tuesdays @ 6:30a
Men's Coffee
Every Tuesday our men meet in the Victory Church auditorium for coffee, in a Small Group setting. We value authenticity, and we have intentionally created an environment where men can be themselves, and get to know one other. If iron sharpens iron, men's coffee is a great opportunity for men to keep themselves sharp.
Part 1: Sun, Feb 2nd @ 4p
Victory Pathway, parts 1 & 2
Victory Pathway is our road to membership. It consists of two classes:
Part 1 is taught by Pastor Mitch and covers everything about our church -- including history, vision and structure. Part 2 is presented by Pastor Meera & includes personality & spiritual gift testing. After it, you will know where you fit in the Body of Christ!
Victory Academy Auditorium