Upcoming Events

Keep up with what's happening at Victory Church

LAUNCH DATE: Sun, Sept 22nd

SMALL GROUPS - fall 2024

Our Small Groups are gearing up for another fabulous fall session. 

The Victory Groups (top of directory page) sign-ups are live and ready for you!

The Small Groups will be updated and ready by launch date Sept 22nd.


Want to lead a group: Go to Small Groups page for more info!


Fri-Sat, Sept 27-28 | Marriage Encounter

Marriage Enrichment weekend

with Tony & Lisa Cooke

This year's Marriage Enrichment will be held in-house, right here at Victory Church. Starting with a beautifully catered romantic dinner on Friday night. Then we will hear from Tony & Lisa Cooke on Saturday morning, as we partake of a scrumptious brunch.

We will provide childcare & kids' meals with sign-up.

COST: $150.00 per couple


Sat, Sept 14th | 6-8p | first meeting

Marriage Ministry

- a new Victory Group!

Connect with others to enrich your own marriage. This is a new Victory Group led by Andrew & Nana Hans. Meeting monthly, on Saturday evenings. Food & childcare provided with advance sign-up by Wed, Sept 11th. 

Wed, Sept 11 | 7p | in the lobby

Water Baptism

Have you recently given your heart to the Lord, or rededicated your life to Him? Water baptism is one of the ways that we make a public confession of what He has done and is doing in our lives.  Sign up below. We'll send you info, and a staff member will be in touch!

Sat, Sept 7th | Topsail Island

Women's Beach Trip

The ladies of Victory are going to the beach - North Topsail Beach!

Sign up to go so we'll know to expect you!

Options in sign-up: request to ride with someone, offer to take others in your car, caravan with the group, or just meet us at the beach! Directions/address in the sign-up.

Our day will include dinner at a beach restaurant before returning home!

For: women & teenage girls


Sat, Oct 5th | 8a-6p

VK Family ZOO Trip

Victory Kids families, join us for a day at the NC zoo! We will meet at the church at 8a to caravan to Asheboro, returning around 6p. Come with us for a FUN day!

Please sign up below so we'll know to expect you!


Fri-Sun, Oct 4th-6th


Our Youth (grades 6th - 12th) are headed to Virginia for FALL RETREAT this year.

Registration is open for this event, which will be both fun & spiritually powerful.

Cost: $220, which covers lodging, meals while there, activities, transportation, PLUS a t-shirt. Sign up before the deadline of Wed, Sept 18th!

Our Vision

Victory Church exists to help people become all that God created them to be

Service Times

Sundays @10a

Wednesdays @7p

Recurring Events

These events take place regularly

Tues & Thu @ Noon | Sun @ 8:15a

Prayer Times

We value health, which means that we keep ourselves healthy by prioritizing daily encounters with God through living a lifestyle of prayer.


Each week, we have three prayer meetings that you are invited to be a part of. These meetings are powerful, and if you attend you can expect the Holy Spirit to show up.

Monthly online courses

Victory School of Theology

September course:

The Intertestamental Period 

Instructor: Dr. Mike Chapman

Tuesdays @ 6:30a

Men's Coffee

Every Tuesday our men meet in the Victory Church auditorium for coffee, in a Small Group setting. We value authenticity, and we have intentionally created an environment where men can be themselves, and get to know one other. If iron sharpens iron, men's coffee is a great opportunity for men to keep themselves sharp.


Sun, Sept 8th @ 4p

Victory Pathway

Victory Pathway is our road to membership. It consists of two classes:

Part 1 is taught by Pastor Mitch and covers everything about our church -- including history, vision and structure. Part 2 is presented by Pastor Meera & includes personality & spiritual gift testing. After it, you will know where you fit in the Body of Christ!

Childcare is provided, but only if you sign up two days prior to event.

Victory Academy Auditorium