Leader Resources

We want to make sure that you're equipped for success in leading your Small Group. These resources are designed to help you unlock your leadership potential, and to maximize your impact as a Small Group Leader.

Successfully multiplying your Small Group

We know what you’re thinking.


You like the people in your Small Group. You’ve gotten to know them and have relationships built and established. You’re comfortable and don’t like the idea of starting again from scratch.


We understand these emotions, and we’ve been there, too! But growing our Small Groups is our mission and vision. While it may be hard, these tips can help you successfully multiply your Small Group.


 We don’t maintain, we multiply. As we continue to grow as a church and reach more people, we must increase the number of Small Groups available for the communities our church is reaching. Talk about multiplication early-on in your group. Plant the seeds of growth in your discussions so that your group isn’t surprised when the time comes to multiply.


 Shift your mindset: Small groups don’t end, they multiply. One shift to make in your thinking and language to your group is that Small Groups don’t end, they multiply. Just because you multiply the Small Group doesn’t mean the relationships you’ve built are ending. The relationship will look different, but you can still be friends and involved in the lives of the people in your Small Group.


 Recognize and raise up a co-leader.  How do I find that person?  Look for someone in your group who has enthusiasm and excitement for the group alongside you.  You’re looking for someone who initiates and engages conversation within the group, is personable, and dependable. When you find that person, give them certain tasks to do, such as: leading icebreaker discussions each week.  Maybe get them to take attendance for you. Lastly, encourage them to attend Growth Track so that they can lead a Small Group the following semester.


 Divide and conquer strategically. The best way to strategically multiply a Small Group is to divide the group in half when a new leader has been identified, is approved by Victory Church as a Small Group Leader, and is ready to start leading. Half of the Small Group members will go with the new leader, who also has some additional spots for new members, and the other half of the Small Group stays with the current leader, who is also able to add new members. When this is done at the start of one of our two semesters (fall or spring), it has proven successful in keeping relationships established and opening up spots for new people to join a Small Group.